Your First Botox Appointment Step by Step

Dec 15, 2020
Botox has been a household name for over a decade. This cosmetic injectable, the first of its kind, gained FDA-approval in 2002.

Your First Botox Appointment Step by Step

Botox has been a household name for over a decade. This cosmetic injectable, the first of its kind, gained FDA-approval in 2002. Since that time, its use has expanded from treating permanent frown lines to preventing their early onset, as well as the worsening of other dynamic lines and creases. Because Botox is so widely known as an effective, safe wrinkle-reducer, it draws new patients every year. If you’re ready to look refreshed and want to do so with Botox, you’re probably wondering what to expect. Here, we’ll walk you through your first appointment.

Your Botox Consultation

The first step of any new Botox appointment is to conduct a consultation. The brief discussion that you have with your provider enables them to confirm that Botox is the right approach to achieving your desired outcome. Because Botox is so well-known, people often misperceive it as The wrinkle-reducer when, really, it is only effective at treating dynamic wrinkles. These are the wrinkles that form when you frown or laugh. Botox is also an optimal treatment for a sagging brow line. If your concerns are different than these or you have additional lines and creases, like those that appear around the nose and mouth, you may be a good candidate for dermal fillers instead of or in addition to Botox.

Botox Injections

After your conversation with your provider, and after all of your questions have been answered, you can immediately undergo Botox treatment. When getting Botox for the first time, many people feel concerned that their injections will hurt. They don’t. A small needle is inserted momentarily just under the skin. It’s like getting a TB test. The needle does not stay in place very long, so the only sensation that occurs is a tiny pinch. Botox injections are done in just a few minutes.

Recovery and Results

The most common side effects associated with Botox are minor swelling and redness. These usually resolve within a few minutes to a few hours. This is why we call Botox a lunchtime treatment. When you’re new to this product, though, you might want to go home after your appointment. This will allow you time to discern how Botox will affect you. Though relatively uncommon, this treatment can sometimes cause a temporary headache, achiness, or fatigue. These are side effects that may be more comfortably managed at home.

The results of Botox treatment are not immediate. You will see them gradually appear over about a week. For this reason, it is also necessary to schedule accordingly if your goal is to rejuvenate your appearance for a special occasion. Botox touch-ups can be scheduled every 3 to 6 months as needed based on when you begin to see wrinkles return.

Contact our Teaneck, NJ office at 201.836.9696 to schedule your first Botox appointment and head into the coming year looking and feeling your best.