While we have a variety of plastic surgery procedures aimed at correcting moderate to severe signs of aging, there is a strong interest among the majority of the population to age naturally but gracefully.

While we have a variety of plastic surgery procedures aimed at correcting moderate to severe signs of aging, there is a strong interest among the majority of the population to age naturally but gracefully. To do this, we often use the latest and greatest skincare products that we see in magazines, on television, or on social media. This is not a bad idea, but it may not be the exact right idea. If you’ve been frustrated about not seeing the results you have expected from your daily routine, we have something to tell you. It may be the products you’re using. It could also be that you’re missing something that is necessary for your unique aging process.
Is it Your Products?
There is a little detail about mass-produced skincare that many people fail to recognize. Marketing makes this easy. What we need to know about the average store-bought product is that it is made for everyone. For a product to be usable by millions of people with the least amount of risk of dermatologic irritation, it cannot contain significant concentrations of active ingredients. Without this, very few people will see the benefits of their daily skin care routine. Our first recommendation for people wanting to manage their skin well is to schedule a consultation with an esthetician, nurse, or doctor who can help them understand their skin. Is it oily? Is it dry? Is there photodamage or a tendency toward acne or redness that needs to be addressed? Answering questions like these, we can identify medical-grade products that would be right for each person.
Is it Something Else?
The products that are used daily are only one part of the whole when it comes to managing aging skin. For optimal beauty, the skin also needs:
- Sufficient dietary nutrition. Beautiful skin is made at a cellular level. Our cells gain the energy to fulfill their functions from the food we eat. For the skin cells to function optimally, they need antioxidants, vitamin C, healthy fats, and other nutrients from fresh, whole foods. Skin-healthy foods include green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and salmon, among others.
- Adequate hydration. Drinking fluids throughout the day is good but may not be enough. For example, did you know that your morning cup (or several) of coffee could dehydrate your skin? The same goes for the glass of wine many people enjoy with dinner. Every beverage that depletes the body of water needs to be offset. We must drink at least 64 ounces of water daily just to keep up, let alone balance the effects of dehydration.
- For skin to age well and avoid irritation, it must be cleaned regularly. This is particularly relevant to makeup. When makeup is not washed off before bed, the chemicals in those products get absorbed. This can lead to blemishes, blotchiness, and other problems. In addition to washing the face nightly, it is also necessary to wash pillowcases weekly. This removes dead skin cells, bacteria, sweat, and other debris so unhealthy substances are not pressed into the skin during sleep.
- Many people do not realize that the skin doesn’t shed old cells as well as it needs to. Over the course of about a month, cellular debris accumulates on the epidermis, blocking products from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin. Regardless of the quality of moisturizers and serums being used, they may be much less effective at achieving results. To ensure efficient absorption, it is beneficial to schedule periodic treatments like chemical peels or microdermabrasion.
Our team can help you address medical and cosmetic dermatologic concerns quickly and with an approach that is tailored to your needs. Schedule a visit to our Teaneck, NJ office at 201.836.9696.